April Lenker, MSN, AGNP-BC
April is from rural eastern North Carolina. She attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2005 for undergraduate studies in nursing. In 2009, April began her career in nursing at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina working in specialty surgery. After 2 years, she moved to UNC Rex hospital to work as a bedside nurse with cancer patients and began graduate studies at UNC Chapel Hill. In 2014, April graduated with a master’s of science in nursing and began working as a nurse practitioner with UNC Rex Cancer Center. From 2010 to 2020, April had a fulfilling career in oncology, helping people suffer less as they journey through cancer. In 2020, April transitioned from oncology and into a new area of regenerative medicine helping patients suffer less with joint pain.
My Story: Embracing Functional Medicine.
April here. In 2017, my husband experienced difficult health symptoms. We went through the traditional medical route, but appointment after appointment all testing returned normal. My husband did not feel normal and his symptoms worsened over time. In 2022, I sought out the expertise of a functional health provider. Through comprehensive testing and detailed history of symptoms, the underlying causes of my husband’s condition were identified and treated. By late 2022, my husband became a different person. He is no longer limited by his symptoms and is feeling better than he did at age 30! I could not believe the turn around.
When I realized the comprehensive diagnostic testing and science based treatments in the field of functional medicine, I was all in. Functional medicine gives me more diagnostic and treatment options for patients. Now, I combine my traditional medicine background with advanced functional diagnostic testing to identify root causes of dysfunctions within the body.